
255 - Anja LECHNER & Vassislis TSABROPOULOS : chants, hymnes & dances

Inspiré des hymnes byzantins, le travail de dialoguiste de G. I. Gurdjieff (1877-1948) est bien celui d’un orfèvre. Le propos : un huis clos mélancolique entre un violoncelle et un piano.

Le travail musical de Gurdjieff permet de relier l’Orient et l’Occident, l’Est et l’Ouest, toutes les faces du monde. A l’origine, ce philosophe de formation a développé son propre dispositif musical dans le souci d’accompagner la danse et les mouvements des élèves dont il avait la charge à l’Institut du “développement harmonieux de l’homme”, basé non loin de Paris. On est au début du siècle. C’est sans doute pour cela que sa musique semble prendre racine très directement dans les melodies de l’enfance et les comptines. Natif d’une ville frontière, entre l’Arménie et la Turquie, Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff est le fils d’un troubadour grec aux références culturelles caucasiennes. Apatride dans l’âme, citoyen du monde déjà (dans les années 20!), il ne cessera de voyager afin d’aller à la découverte de ces musiciens de la spiritualité, du rituel et du sacré. Il les a rencontrés au Tibet, en Afghanistan, en Asie Centrale... Ce qu’il a alors entendu - consigné par un fidèle assistant le pianiste ukrainien Thomas de Hartmann - a nourri sa propre réflexion, son propre travail et écriture.
Ce sont ses partitions révélées par la violonceliste allemande Anje Lechner et le pianiste grec Vassilis Tsabropoulos qui nous sont données à écouter. L’un comme l’autre, de par leur parcours sans faille (interprétation classique comme improvisation), étaient près à affronter ce répertoire qui nécessite une très grande rigueur technique mais également le goût pour ces musiques d’ailleurs. Décomplexés par leurs collaborations passées (pêle-mêle Mansurian, Silvestrov, Saluzzi, Marshal, Corea…), ils abordent ces chants sans voix avec une très grande liberté. D’ailleurs, comment en aurait-il été autrement ? C’est sans doute la seule attitude qu’aurait autorisée Gurdjieff !


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254 - Potlatch 24, d'automne

1 Sophia DOMANCICH & Simon GOUBERT – Seagulls of Kristiansund
2 John
GREAVES & Sophia DOMANCICH & Vincent COURTOIS - A lucky day
3 Joni
4 Abbey
LINCOLN – Throw it away
5 Robert
WYATT & John GREAVES - Gegenstand
6 The
ARTHUR H & LHASA – Indiana Lullaby
8 Stepah
MICUS – Night circles
9 Fred
FRITH – Trains & Boats & Planes
10 Jane
BIRKIN & Hector ZAZOU - Beauty
11 Ellery
ESQUELIN – La berceuse d'Angela
12 Robert
WYATT - Alifib
13 Robert
WYATT – Alife

Je reste à la surface du sommeil.
Je vis deux vies, je mélange tout.
Je vis toutes mes vies, en une seule nuit.
Elle(s) reste(nt) là, les vies des nuits.
Chaque nuit vit mes vies.
Toutes mes vies, chaque nuit.
Je fais le mort, je revis.
La nuit.
Je m’en moque, je revis.
Des armées de vivants viennent toutes mes nuits.
Des absents nocturnes m’apportent des bouquets.
Des pétales rouges et noirs m’embrassent au cœur du soir.
De la nuit.
Suis-je une romance ?
Je reste un souvenir de mes rêves.
Une défaillance ?
Mon garde-manger reste vide.
Une renaissance ?
Au-delà des portes, écloses. J’avale la frappe et cogne la faim.
Une évidence ?
Des restes brumeux.
Des matins nuageux.
Des milliers de vols d’étourneaux, ces ailes noires dans le bleu, ces soirs tard de surface, ces nuits rares où j’enlace, ces matins où je me lasse.
Tant de bleu, tant de traces.
Une sirène nonchalante passe à l’orée, ombre d’un souvenir doré, âme d’une passante égarée, d’une couleur d’automne, jaune, rouge.
Les feuilles meurent en couleur.
Regardez comme ma mort est belle, approchez pour assister à mon dernier spectacle, ma dernière saison !
Ma vie ne connaît que trois saisons, la plus belle est la dernière.
Je termine immobile, mordorée, sous le vent et le ciel.
IL n’y a rien entre moi et le ciel, il n’y a rien entre la feuille et la couleur, il n’y a rien entre la couleur et la douleur.
Je rêve en noir et blanc.
Je revis à temps.
Je noircis les blancs.
Je suspends le temps.
Chaque matin, j’ouvre des yeux étonnés, je grave mes nuits sur la pierre, je soulève des paupières, pas les miennes, pour constater le regard aveugle des souvenirs des rêves, ceux qui me donnent toutes ces vies, le temps d’une nuit.
J’ai ouvert des portes, laissé des seuils, forgé des escaliers, rejoint les couleurs, seules, là-haut.
J’ai des stocks d’escaliers, par milliers.
Rejoindre les feuilles.
Tourner les pages.
Dormir, face au noroît.
Aller à l’abordage, enfin.
Contempler toutes les œuvres mortes des océans immobiles.
Revoir la mer.
Les feuilles tombent doucement en couleur,
dans mes nuits en nuances de gris.

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253- Tamashii ? Where are you ? VOLAPÜK (knows) sait ? Pas certain...

Musique de chambre ? Influences est-européennes même si le trio est devenu quartet avec une violoniste... japonaise ? D'autres influences, africaines, orientales, d'ailleurs ? Oui, mais d'où ? Des parfums toniques et des épices (j'adore le mot "épices") rares ? De l'impro et des compositions collectives ? De l'écriture et des sacs à malices ou à puces, on chine et trouve beaucoup de choses, chez Volapük. Mais quoi, exactement ?

Vous trouverez des réponses (mais pas toutes, et toutes les questions ne sont même pas posées) en cherchant Tamashii.... donc, faudra écouter. Voilà.

Nous sommes là en présence d'un accoucheur de mélopées sinueuses, d'un propagateur de caresses amoureuses des sons et des humeurs, d'une respiration irrégulière mais maitrisée, même si l'auditeur est parfois débordé, surpris, pris et bien attrapé.

Volapük est grand.

1 Where Is Tamashii?
2 Sasayaki
3 Impro Cloche
4 Chantage
5 Boom Boom
6 Vol De Voiture
7 Mission Stereo
8 Exercice Du Matin
9 Pas De Panique
10 Nouvelle Vague
11 Coda Stereo

Le violon de Takumi FUKUSHIMA, les clarinettes et le taragot de Michel MANDEL, le violoncelle de Guillaume SAUREL, les percussions de Guigou CHENEVIER.

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252 - Arve HENRIKSEN, opus 3 (strjon)

1. evocation
2. black mountain
3. ascent
4. leaf and rock
5. ancient and accepted rite
6. twin lake
7. green water
8. alpine pyramid
9. wind and bow
10. strjon
11. glacier descent
12. in the light

arve henriksen: trumpet, voice, keyboards and electronics
ståle storløkken: keyboards
helge sten: guitars and bow

...des bouts de rien, de pas grand chose, des percussions, quelques notes, comme ça, mises bout à bout, avec des nappes de sons et de souffles, de cette trompette émouvante au delà de toute raison... laisser faire le son et l'émotion... le piano, la guitare... encore un magnifique paysage sonore pour nos vies inouïes.

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251 - La musique est la bande son de nos vies : la Black session de Mazzy Star (en ... 1993)

Hope SANDOVAL & David ROBACK auront été les 2 piliers de MAZZY STAR, groupe vénéneux et sublime du courant psyché post-punk (???).

Cette session chez Lenoir date de 1993, l'une (sinon LA) plus belle. J'avais l'oreille collée aux enceintes, grosses de ce poison sonore dont on ne peut pas se défaire.

La bande-son de nos vies inouïes gratte au papier abrasif nos sens encore intacts… douleur du nerf à vif, saveur du plaisir intact.

Et là, perle sublime, cette session noire revit....

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250 - 69 fois je t'aime, pour toujours


1. Absolutely Cuckoo

[don't fall in love with me yet
we only recently met
true i'm in love with you but
you might decide i'm a nut
give me a week or two to
go absolutely cuckoo
and when you see your error
then you can flee in terror
like everybody else does
i only tell you this 'cause
i'm easy to get rid of
but not if you fall in love
know now that i'm on the make
and if you make a mistake
my heart wil certainly break
i'll have to jump in a lake
and all my friends will blame you
there's no telling what they'll do
it's only fair to tell you
i'm absolutely cuckoo] x2

2. I Don't Believe In The Sun

They say there's a sun in the sky
They say there's a sun in the sky
but me, I can't imagine why
There might have been one
before you were gone
but now all I see is the night, so

I don't believe in the sun

How could it shine down on everyone
and never shine on me

How could there be
such cruelty.

The only sun I ever knew
was the beautiful one that was you
Since you went away
it's nighttime all day
and it's usually raining too

The only stars there really are
were shining in your eyes
There is no sun except the one
that never shone on other guys
The moon to whom the poets croon
has given up and died

3. All My Little Words

You are a splendid butterfly
It is your wings that make you beautiful
And I could make you fly away
But I could never make you stay
You said you were in love with me
Both of us that that's impossible
And I could make you rue the day
But I could never make you stay

Not for all the tea in China
Not if I could sing like a bird
Nbt for all North Carolina
Not for all my little words
Not if I could write for you
The sweetest song you ever heard
It doesn't matter what I'll do
Not for all my little words

Not that you've made me want to die
You tell me that you're unboyfriendable
And I could make you pay and pay
But I could never make you stay

4. A Chicken WIth Its Head Cut Off

Eligible, not too stupid
Intelligiable, and cute as cupid
Knowledgeable, but not always right
Salavagable, and free for the night

Well my heart's runnin' round like a chicken with its head cut off
All around the barn yard falling in and out of love
Poor thing's blind as a bat
Gettin' up, fallin' down, gettin' up
Who'd fall in love with a chicken with its head cut off?

Woah Nelly

My wife doesn't understand me
Many dozens, hope to land me
I'm for free love
And i'm in free fall
This could be love
Or nothing at all

But my hearts runnin round like a chicken with its head cut off
All around the barn yard falling in and out of love
Poor thing's blind as a bat
Gettin' up, fallin' down, gettin' up
Who'd fall in love with a chicken with its head cut off?

We don't have to stars exploding in the night
Or electric eels under the covers
We don't have to be
Anything quite so unreal
Lets just be lovers

Well my heat's runnin' round like a chicken with it's head cut off
All around the barn yard falling in and out of love
Poor thing's blind as a bat
Gettin' up, fallin' down, gettin' up
Who'd fall in love with a chicken with its head cut off?

It ain't pretty

5. Reno Dakota

Aqui voy... tras de ti.
confrontando a mi alma, por querer,
que tu vuelvas otra vez!
Los demas, no lo ven
hoy dicen cosas falsas , solo me hacen ver...
que no te quiero perder..

Y no quiero guitar, y no voy a aceptar,
lo unico que quiero es que vuelvas a mi realidad...
porque asi soy, yo no te voy a dejar....

Quiero que por nuestro amor entiendas,
yo no vivo sin ti
no me interesa lo que piensas
ven regresa a mi
ven y hagamos historia,
dejate llevar!!! (dejate llevar)
Regresa nena tu eres mi realidad.

Hasta hoy yo pense, que la forma de amarnos era cruel,
pero nunca fue asi...
descubri, que vivir, sin tu amor era lo mismo que morir,
no entiendes no puedo vivir sin ti.

Y no quiero gritar, y no voy a aceptar
lo unico que quiero es que vuelvas a mi realidad,
porque asi soy, no te voy a dejar...

Quiero que por nuestro amor entiendas...
yo no vivo sin ti
no me interesa lo que piensas,
ven regresa a mi!
ven y hagamos historia...
dejate llevar (dejate llevar)
regresa nena tu eres mi realidad....

repetir el coro x2

6. I Don't Want To Get Over You

I don't want to get over you. I guess I could take
a sleeping pill and sleep at will and not have to
go through what I go through. I guess I should take
Prozac, right, and just smile all night at somebody new,
Somebody not too bright but sweet and kind who would
try to get you off my mind. I could leave this agony behind
which is just what I'd do if I wanted to, but I don't
want to get over you cause I don't want to get over love.
I could listen to my therapist, pretend you don't exist
and not have to dream of what I dream of; I could listen
to all my friends and go out again and pretend it's enough,
or I could make a career of being blue--I could dress
in black and read Camus, smoke clove cigarettes and drink
vermouth like I was 17 that would be a scream but I
don't want to get over you.

7. Come Back From San Francisco

Come back from San Francisco.
It can't be all that pretty,
when all of New York City misses you.
Should pretty boys in discos distract you from your novel,
remember I'm awful in love with you.

**You need me like the wind needs the trees to blow in.
Like the moon needs poetry, you need me. **

Come back from San Francisco and kiss me; I've quit smoking.
I miss doing the wild thing with you.
Will you stay? I don't think so,
but all I do is worry, pack bags, call cabs, and hurry home to me.


When you betray me, betray me with a kiss.
Damn you. I've never stayed up as late as this.

8. The Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side

andy would bicycle across town
in the rain to bring you candy
and john would buy the gown
for you to wear to the prom
with tom, the astronomer
who would name a star for you
but im the luckiest guy
on the lower east side
cuz i got wheels
and you want to go for a ride

harry, is the one I think you'll marry
but it's chris that you kissed after school
well im a fool
there's no doubt
but when the sun comes out
and only when the sun comes out
im the luckiest guy
on the lower east side
cuz ive got wheels
and you want to go for a ride
the day is beautiful and so are you
my car is ugly but then, im ugly too
i know you'd never give me a second glance
when the weathers nice all the other guys
don't stand a chance
i know professor ***
makes you feel like a woman
but when the wind is in your hair you laugh like a little girl
so you share secrets with lou
but we've got secrets too
well one, i only keep this heap for you
cuz im the ugliest guy on the lower east side
cuz i've got wheels
and you want to go for a ride

9. Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits

if you knew how i long
for you now that you're gone
you'd grow wings and fly
home to me, home tonight
and in the morning sun

let's pretend we're bunny rabbits
let's do it all day long
let's nibble on lettuce and carrots
say mother nature wrong
and when we've had a couple of beers
we'll put on bunny suits
i love to nibble your ears
and do as bunnies do

let's pretend we're bunny rabbits
let's do it all day long
i can keep it up all night
i can keep it up all day
let's pretend we're bunny rabbits
until we pass away

10. The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be

The cactus where your heart should be has lovely
little flowers so though it's always pricking me
my ardor never sours The cactus hwere your heart
once was has power to rend and flay I stick because
I'm stuck, because I just can't tear myself away

11. I Think I Need A New Heart

Time stands still
All I can feel is the time standing still

as you put down the keys
and say don't call me please
while the radio plays

"I Think I Need a New Heart" ohhh

"I Think I Need a New Heart" ohhh

You've lied too
but it's a sin that I
can't tell the truth
cause it all comes out wrong
unless I put it in a song
so the radio plays
"I Think I Need a New Heart"
just for you
"I Think I Need a New Heart"

cause I always say I love you

when I mean turn out the light
and I say let's run away
when I just mean stay the night
but the words you want to hear
you will never hear from me

I'll never say "happy anniversary"
never stay to say "happy anniversary"

so I think I need a new heart ohhh
I think I need a new heart ohhh
I think I need a new heart ohhh
I think I need a new heart ohhh
Give me time

12. The Book Of Love

The book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts and figures
And instructions for dancing
But I...I love it when you read it me
And you...you can read me anything

The book of love has music in it
In fact that's where music comes from
Some of it is just transcendental
Some of it is just really dumb
But I...I love it when you sing to me
And you...you can sing me anything

The book of love is long and boring
And written very long ago
It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
And things were all too young to know
But I...I love it when you give me things
And you...you ought to give me wedding rings
I...I love it when you give me things
And you...you ought to give me wedding rings

13. Fido, Your Leash Is Too Long

Fido, your leash is too long
You go where you dont belong
Youve been digging in the rubble
Gettin bitches in trouble
Fido, your leash is too long

Fido, your leash is too long
I dont know where I went wrong
You scare me out of my wits
When you do that Shitzhu
Fido, your leash is too long

Fido, youve gone far enough
I must have all of your love
You just run out of luck
I dont care what you fuck
Sounds lewd, but your leash is too long

14. How Fucking Romantic

how fucking romantic
all the stars are out
twinkling twinkling twinkling
and fluttering about

what a tacky sunset
what a vulgar moon
play another charming
rogers and hart tune

how fucking romantic
must we really waltz?
drag another cliche
howling from the vaults

love you obviously
like you really care
even though you treat me
like a dancing bear

toss your bear a goldfish
as he cycles by
don't forget to feed your
bear or it'll die

15. The One You Really Love

I do believe our love's in danger I might aas well be loving air
You look at me like I'm a stranger You look at me like I'm not there
I gaze into your eyes of blue but their beauty is not for mee You're
thinking on someone who's gone You're dreaming of the one you really love
I made you mine, or so it seemed Though he is dead he haunts your dreams
I might as well be two ft. tall You never will love me at all...
You're dreaming of the corpse you really love

16. Punk Love

Punk Love
Punk Love
Punk Rock Love

17. Parades Go By

I'll linger here your ring upon my finger dear and sing till dawn
a song of you and me and what and why for time is all I have to keep
between these walls and half asleep the days go by a million little
nights and days go by and I don't mind Parades go by So many beautiful
parades go by Leave me behind I'll sit and stare how could I venture
anywhere and let the centuries fall where they may but never die
for I have loved and so I lost the world above beyond the moss...

18. Boa Constrictor

I spend my evenings alone talking to your picture, babe Love is
wrapped around my heart like a boa constrictor, babe My mother
should have murdered me What jury would convict her, babe for
love is wrapped around my heart like a boa constrictor, babe

19. A Pretty Girl Is Like...

A pretty girl is like a minstrel show It makes you laugh
It makes you cry You go It just isn't the same on radio
It's all about the makeup and the dancing and the Oh,
a pretty girl is like a violent crime If you do it wrong
you could do time but if you do it right it is sublime
I'm so in love with you, girl, It's like I'm on the moon
I can't really breathe, but I feel lighter A melody is like
a pretty girl Who cares if it's the dumbest in the world
It's all about the way that it unfurls A pretty girl is like
a pretty girl

20. My Sentimental Melody

I'm a hopeless romantic
You're a terrible flirt
Cool and unfazed,
you're always amazed
when someone gets hurt
I live on the blue planet
that I saw in your eyes
but now I can't stay
knowing it's made
of beautiful lies

but my sentimental melody
like a long-lost lullabye
will ring in your ears
down through the years
bringing a tear to your eye

Love can kill people, can't it
Well it still might kill me
Each drop of rain
is a glass of champagne
It's sweet and it's free
When I drink I don't panic
When I drink I don't die
When I'm far gone
it's all just a song
just beautiful lies...

but my sentimental melody
like a long-lost lullabye
will ring in your ears
down through the years
bringing a tear to your

21. Nothing Matters When We're Dancing

Dance with me my old friend once before we go Let's pretend
this song won't end and we never have to go home and we'll
dance among the chandeliers And nothing matters when we're
dancing In tat or tatters you're entrancing Be we in Paris
or in Lansing nothing matters when we're dancing You've never been
more beautiful your eyes like two full moons than here in this
poor old dancehall among the dreadful tunes the awful songs
we don't even hear...

22. Sweet-Lovin' Man

There's an hour of sunshine for a million years of rain
but somehow that always seems to be enough When love falls
from the sky nobody ever asks why You just take it or
you leave it where it was but there's just one kind of love
you can spend your life dreaming of For the love of a sweet-lovin' man
some have traveled far and wide some have given up and died
For the love of a sweet-lovin' man some have broken down and cried
some have turned to dust inside but I'll stay right here and hide
in the arms of my sweet-lovin' man Until you've had sweet lovin'
there's no lovin' worth the name but you can go blind
from crying all the time and who said life was easy
and who said a man was fair Well I wish you well
but keep your paws off mine You can't buy one at the mall
but he'll come if you just call...

23. The Things We Did

All the things I knew I didn't know and didn't want to know
that you told me just to tell me later that you'd told me so
come flooding back to me now Come on Come flooding back to me now
All the things you said you'd never say and you said anyway
The things we did and didn't do The things we did and didn't do
come flooding back to me now

CD 2

1. Roses

Buy more stock in roses
Millionaires will always woo
Don't be shocked if roses
Make a millionaire of you

2. Love Is Like Jazz

Love is like jazz You make it up as you go along and you act as if you
really know the song but you don't and you never will so you flaunt your
mistakes and you make them until they were you Love is like jazz the same
song a million times in different ways "Strange Fruit" with and without
wind chimes It's divine It's asinine It's depressing and it's almost
entirely window dressing but it'll do

3. When My Boy Walks Down The Street

Grand pianos crash together when my boy walks down the street
There are whole new kinds of weather when he walks with his new beat
Everyone sings hallelujah when my boy walks down the street
Life just kind of dances through ya from your smile down to your feet
Amazing he's a whole new form of life
Blue eyes blazing and he's going to be my wife
The world does the hula-hula when my boy walks down the street
Everyone thinks he's Petula so big and yet so petite
Butterflies turn into people when my boy walks down the street
Maybe he should be illegal he just makes life too complete...
Amazing he's a whole new form of life
Blue eyes blazing and he's going to be my wife
Oh, shadows of echoes of memories
Oh, things that he brings that he found in the sea
Oh, shadows of echoes of memories of songs
Oh, how could he know that it won't be long...
Grand pianos crash together when my boy walks down the street
There are whole new kinds of weather when he walks with his new beat
Everyone sings hallelujah when my boy walks down the street
Life just kind of dances through ya from your smile down to your feet

4. Time Enough For Rocking When We're Old

There'll be time enough for rocking when we're old
We can rock all day in rocking chairs of gold
But tonight I think I'd rather just go dancing
There'll be time enough for rocking when we're old, my love

There'll be time enough for talk in the nursing home
Darling, time enough to write an epic poem
But tonight I think I'd rather just go dancing
There'll be time enough for talking in the home, my love

There'll be time enough for sleeping when we're dead
You will have a velvet pillow for your head
But tonight I think I'd rather just go dancing
There'll be time enough for sleeping when we're dead, my love

There'll be time for sex and drugs in Heaven
When our pheromones are turned up to eleven
But tonight I think I'd rather just go dancing
There'll be time enough for sex and drugs in Heaven, my love
And time enough for rocking when we're old

5. Very Funny

Everybody knows but me when you go where you shouldn't be Everybody knows
but me where you go when you're feeling free Everybody knows but me So you
go there for a laugh You just go to take photographs To believe that, I'd be
daft but yes I think you go for a laugh and you say, I love you honey Very funny

6. Grand Canyon

If I was the Grand Canyon I'd echo everything you say but I'm just me I'm
only me and you used to love me that way so you know how to love me that way
If I was Paul Bunyan I'd carry you so far away but I'm just me I'm only me
and you used to love me that way so you know how to love me that way

7. No One Will Ever Love You

If you don't mind why don't you mind
Where is your sense of indignation
You are too kind
Much too kind
Where is the madness that you promised me
Where is the dream for which I paid dearly
When things go wrong I sing along It
is the nature of the business
But you're not here to make my sad songs more sincere
No one will ever love you honestly
No one will ever love you for your honesty
No one will ever love you honestly
No one will ever love you for your honesty

8. If You Don't Cry

Softly the crystals falling on 17th Street do their dance and die and are
gone Millions of crystal balls roll around your feet and nothing gets done
An hour goes by She doesn't If you don't cry it isn't love If you don't
cry then you just don't feel it deep enough Dying all day in thousands of
little ways Dancing alone and drinking a lot Closing the clubs and haunting
the cabarets looking for what Another five years off your life... A year
goes by She doesn't..

9. You're My Only Home

I will stay if you let me stay and I'll go if you let go but I won't go far
away because you're my only home I will hide what you want hidden and I'll
roam if you say roam but I'd just as soon you didn't because you're my only
home When you cancel dinner plans When you cross the street and you don't
take my hand When you make impossible demands I wish I didn't understand, but...

10. (Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy

I built a ship with my own hands to take us to the moon, I took a pen in my own hand and wrote you a nundred tunes. Now I'm crazy for you but not that crazy.
I pretended you were Jesus you were just dying to save me. I stood beneath your window with my ukelele. I made a yard a playground just in case we had a baby. Now I'm crazy for you but not that crazy.
I treated you like radium. I treated you like God. You were my glass menagerie Did you not find that odd. I dwelt within and went without and broke my virgin flesh. I performed acts of devotion as if you were Ganesh, but now I'm crazy for you but not that crazy. I'm crazy for you but not that crazy.

11. My Only Friend

Billie you're a miracle and God knows I need one Sing me something terrible
that even dawn may come You and me, we don't believe in happy endings Hey,
Lady Day, can you save my life this time Can you cry so beautifully you
make my troubles rhyme Hey, Lady Day, can you save my life again My only
love has gone away Will you be my only friend Billie you're a genius
enough to be a fool a fool to gamble everything and never know the rules
Some of us can only live in songs of love and trouble Some of us can only
live in bubbles...

12. Promises Of Eternity

What if the show couldn't go on What if we all got jobs
and got to bed before dawn What if Old Joe had to retire
What if all the stage hands were let go or fired
that's just like what the world would be
If you fell out of love with me I can't let this happen to you
don't you let it happen to me What would our friends and family say
if they could only see If you let this happen to us
don't think you'd be setting me free Wasn't it you and I who made
promises of eternity What if the lights didn't go on What if the
velvet curtain had to be taken down What if the clowns couldn't be clowns
and all those painted smiles gave in to plaintive frowns
What if no show ever happened again No Seven, no 8 1/2, no Nine, and no "10"
All numbers and no mystery No promise of eternity...

13. World Love

When the rhythm calls the government falls Here come the cops
From Tokyo to Soweto viva la musica pop We are black & white
and we dance all night down at the hop and the letters were tall
on the Berlin Wall viva la musica pop so if you're feeling low
stuck in some bardo I, even I know the solution
love, music, wine and revolution love, love, love music, wine and revolution
This too shall pass so raise your glass to change and chance
and freedom is the only law shall we dance...

14. Washington, D.C.

W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!
Washington, D.C.
It's paradise to me
It's not because it is the grand old seat
Of precious freedom and democracy
No, no, no
It's not the greenery turning gold in fall
The scenery circling the Mall
It's just that's where my baby lives
That's all.
Washington D.C.!
It's the greatest place to be
It's not the cherries everywhere in bloom
It's not the way they put folks on the moon
No, no, no
It's not the spectacles and pagaentry
The thousand things you've got to see
It's just that's where my baby waits for me
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby D.C.!
W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby D.C.!
Washington, D.C.!
It fits me to a T
It's not the people doing something real
It's not the way the springtime makes you feel
No, no, no
It ain't no famous name on a golden plaque
That keeps me that makes me ride that railroad track
It's my baby's kiss that keeps me coming back
It's my baby's kiss that keeps me coming back

15. Long-Forgotten Fairytale

Someone told me you’d be here
Whispering these familiar things
Talking to my little pet, smoking the same old cigarettes
…I would have laughed

I saw you last in summertime
You said you hated long goodby-y-yes
You said, “There’s nothing to explain, in every life a little rain”

~ chorus ~
And a long-forgotten fairytale is in your eyes again
And I’m caught inside a dream world where the colors are too intense
…and nothing is making sense

There’s a floating town of eiderdown in a mist of mystery
There’s an old enchanted castle and the princess there is me
…decked-out like a Christmas tree
~ end chorus ~

I guess you’ve had your little joke
But I have lost my sense of hu-u-mor
My medication’s wearing off, for it’s just not strong enough
…to cover this.

Then you kissed me like before
I found myself wanting more
And you tell that little lie that kept me hypnotized
…another kiss

~ chorus ~

If somebody told me I’d succumb
If someone said I’d be so dumb
After all the sleepless nights, when I turned on all the lights
…I would have hit them

But I have turned the other cheek
My voice trembles, my knees are weak

And you beat me once again
And I know what happens then
…you raise the ante

~ chorus ~

16. Kiss Me Like You Mean It

He is my lord, He is my saviour and He rewards my good behavior
My secret soul, I know He's seen it He says, come here baby and
kiss me like you mean it He calls me baby, says kiss me like you mean it
He is my life and my salvation He's always right, He's always patient
I pinch myself It's like I'm dreaming it... He is my love, He's always been it...

17. Papa Was A Rodeo

I like your twisted point of view, Mike
I like your questioning eyebrows
You've made it pretty clear what you like
It's only fair to tell you now

that I leave early in the morning
and I won't be back till next year
I see that kiss-me pucker forming
but maybe you should plug it with a beer, cause

Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock'n'roll band
I could play a guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand
Home was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker's hand
Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand
Before you kiss me you should know
Papa was a rodeo

The light reflecting off the mirror ball
looks like a thousand swirling eyes
They make me think I shouldn't be here at all
You know, every minute someone dies

What are we doing in this dive bar
How can you live in a place like this
Why don't you just get into my car
and I'll take you away I'll take that kiss now, but

(boy) Papa was a rodeo...

And now it's 55 years later
We've had the romance of the century
After all these years wrestling gators
I still feel like crying when I think of what you said to me

Papa was a rodeo...

Before you kiss me you should know - Papa was a rodeo
What a coincidence, your Papa was a rodeo too

18. Epitaph For My Heart

to prevent electic shock
do not
do not
do not remove cover
no user servicable parts inside
refer servicing to qualified
service personelle

let this be the epitaph for my heart
cupid put too much poison in the dart
let this be hte epitaph for my heart
because its gone gone gone
and life goes on and on and on
and death goes on world w
without end
and you're not my friend

who will mourn the passing of my heart
Will its littledroppingsclimb the pop chart
Who'll take its ashes and,
flingthem from the top of the Brill Building

And life goes on,
and dawn, and dawn
and death goes on, world without endand you're
not my friend

19. Asleep And Dreaming

I've seen you laugh at nothing at all
I've seen you sadly weeping
The sweetest thing I ever saw
Was you asleep and dreaming

Well you may not be beautiful
But it's not for me to judge
I don't know if you're beautiful
Because I love you too much

I've seen you laugh at nothing at all
I've seen you sadly weeping
The sweetest thing I ever saw
Was you asleep and dreaming

I've seen you when your ship came in
And when your train was leaving
The sweetest thing I ever saw

20. The Sun Goes Down And The World Goes Dancing

So the sun goes down and the world goes dancing
And the stars come out and they all go dancing
And there is nothing I'd like more
Than a twirl across this rickety old floor

Well I don't know why but I just feel like dancing
I can't imagine why but I feel like dancing
And there is nothing in this world
That I'd like better than a twirl across your rickety old floor

Maybe it's you
You know your eyes are awful blue
Maybe it's more
Maybe you're all I ever waited for
After all the endless nights when I wished I could still cry

21. The Way You Say Good-Night

So faraway and so alone how could I ever take you home
You're beautiful, beautiful You've got a devastating point of view
and everything you say is true You're beautiful, beautiful
The nightbirds start to sing their favorite song:
"The Way you Say Good-Night" The nightbirds start to sing
their favorite song and the moon begins to sing I kiss you
and the sun goes down How come it's always dark when you're around
You're beautiful, beautiful The nightbirds start to sing
their favorite song The moon begins to sing You're beautiful, beautiful
The stars begin their Busby Berkeley dance: "The Way You Say Good-Night"
and the night becomes a musical extravaganza: The Way You Say Good-Night
The way you say good-night I dream of all day long Oh, I could write a song
about the way you say good-night...

22. Abigail, Belle Of Kilronan

Abigail can you feel my heart in the palm of your hand
and do you understand why I can't stay Abigail an evil wind is blowing
through the land and they need every man to drive it away
When I come home if I come home you'll be a grown woman
When I come home if I come home don't be alone, Abigial, belle of Kilronan
Abigail 's gonna be the beauty of County Galway and she will live always
in a world of love Abigail I'm off to the war but you can be sure
I will know you're what I'm fighting for...

23. I Shatter

Bang there was you too gold too blue You told the truth.
I cried. You flew. You called me mad (and I am mad) as a hatter
Some fall in love I shatter You make it rain. Too bleak, too stark.
Should night not fall you make things dark... Bang here am I
No one nowhere no ground no sky no light no air


1. Underwear

A pretty girl in her underwear
A pretty girl in her underwear
If there's anything better in this world
who cares
La mort, c'est la mort
mais l'amour, c'est l'amour
La mort, c'est seulement la mort
mais l'amour, c'est l'amour
A pretty boy in his underwear
A pretty boy in his underwear
If there's a better reason
to jump for joy
who cares....

2. It's A Crime

It's a crime to fall in love. Heart and mind, and soul in love. It's a crime to fall in love, so hard, so hard. I shouldn't have bothered, cause you're just like all the others. Now I know, and I won't do that again. I should've guessed that you'd be just like all the rest. Now I know not to go through that again. I'm still crying all night and all day, but if I show it, someone lock me away, because it's a crime to fall in love. Heart and mind, and soul in love. It's a crime to fall in love, so hard, so hard. My mother said gently, you can buy her a Bentley, but my son, she'll only drive it away. I didn't listen, cause my brain was missing, and I only found it today. I was a man but now I'm only a child. And if it kills me I am going to smile, cause it's a crime to fall in love. Heart and mind, and soul in love. It's a crime to fall in love, so hard, so hard. You won't be hearing from me anymore, cause I can't see through my tears anymore. If it takes years to be any more than a jellyfish, I will not tell you this, because it's a crime to fall in love. Heart and mind, and soul in love. It's a crime to fall in love, so hard, so hard. So hard, so hard.

3. Busby Berkeley Dreams

I should have forgotten you long ago
But you're in every song I know
Whining and pining is wrong and so
On and so forth, of course of course,
But no, you can't have a divorce

I haven't seen you in ages
But it's not as bleak as it seems
We still dance on whirling stages
In my Busby Berkeley dreams
The tears have stained all the pages
Of my True Romance magazines
We still dance in my outrageously beautiful
Busby Berkeley dreams

And now you want to leave me for good
I refuse to believe you could
You forget we're not made of wood
Well darling you may do your worst
Because you'll have to kill me first

Do you think it's dangerous
To have Busby Berkeley dreams?

4. I'm Sorry I Love You

A single rose in your garden dwells
Like any rose it's not itself
It is my love in your garden grows
but let's pretend it's just a rose
Well I'm sorry that I love you
It's a phase that I'm going through
There is nothing that I can do
and I'm sorry that I love you
Do not listen to my song
Don't remember it, don't sing along
Let's pretend it's a work of art
Let's pretend it's not my heart...
The rose will fade when summer's gone
The song will fade and I'll be gone
because my heart is dying too
and it's all the same to you

5. Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar,
I'm gonna make you a star,
Get your picture all over the world

Acoustic Guitar,
You can have your own car,
Just bring me back my girl

She always loved the sound of your strum
You made her think maybe I wasn't so dumb
She tends to faint at the sound of a drum
Cuz she's folk so play and maybe she'll come

Acoustic Gutiar, how lovely you are
With your inlays of mother of pearl
Be a good guitar and you could go far
Just bring me back my girl

She always said that you were the one
That could make her move her cute little bum
You understand where she's coming from
Which I obviously don't, or she wouldn't be gone

Acoustic guitar, if you think I play hard
Well you could have belonged to Steve Earle
Or Charo OR GWAR, I could sell you tomorrow

So bring me back my girl
You'd better bring me back my girl

6. The Death Of Ferdinad De Saussure

I met Ferdinand de Saussure
On a night like this
On love he said
"I'm not so sure
I even know what it is
No understanding
No closure
It is a nemesis
You can't use a bulldozer
To study orchids"

He said...
So we don't know anything
You don't know anything
I don't know anything
about love
But we are nothing
You are nothing
I am nothing
Without love

I'm just a great composer
And not a violent man
But I lost my composure
And I shot Ferdinand
Crying "it's well and kosher
to say you don't understand
but this is for Holland-Dozier-Holland"

His last words were
We don't know anything [etc]

His fading words were
We don't know anything [etc]

7. Love In The Shadows

The woman with no nose
I know where she goes
The old guy with the gold eye
We go back, he & I
Don't smile
We don't do that here baby

Love in the Shadows
Was never hard to find
Sometimes the moonglow
Plays tricks on your mind
Love in The Shadows is the only kind

The whispers you hear
Are not sweet nothings
Let's have one more beer
And I'll tell you something
Don't laugh
I think you're beautiful

Love In the Shadows
Was never hard to find
Sometimes the moonglow
Plays tricks on your mind
Love in the Shadows is the only kind

8. Bitter Tears

Bitter tears keep me going
through the years, freely flowing
What have you done
Only a gun
could stop these bitter tears
The endless streets I walk along
you made them seem pretty
but no I dress in country songs
and wake in New York City...
I cry because it looks so good
I cry, why not, it's free
and there's nothing more interesting
than crying constantly...

9. Wi' Nae Wee Bairn Ye'll Me Beget

Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
but ill turn into a nightengale and song will warm my heart
well ill turn nto a threshing machine and tear that bird apart
Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
but ill turn into a vampire in case you own a neck
well ill turn into a silver cross and send me back to heck
Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
but ill turn into a hydrogen bomb and atomize the air
well ill turn into a cockroack and youll see if i care
Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
but ill turn into a super nova and burn up everything
well ill turn into a black little hole and youll turn into string
Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
but ill turn into GOD himself and you will come to me
then i will not believe in you and then where will you be?
Wi' nae wee bairn ye'll me beget Untwinkle, little ee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee
My ainly pang'll be regret. A maiden I will dee

10. Yeah! Oh, Yeah!

Are you out of love with me?
Are you longing to be free?
Do I drive you up a tree?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
Do I drive you up the wall?
Do you dread every phone call?
Can you not stand me at all?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
Though I need you more than air
is it true you just don't care?
Are you having an affair?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
When we met I thought
money was everything
so I let you buy the house,
the car, the ring
but I can't take your perpetual whining
and you can't sing
I though if we live apart
we could made a brand-new start
Do you want to break my heart?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
I've enjoyed making you
miserable for years
found peace of mind in
playing on your fears
How I loved to catch your gold
and silver tears, but now my dear
What a dark and dreary life
Are you reaching for a knife?
Could you really kill your wife?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
Oh, I die, I die, I die!
So it's over, you and I
Was my whole life just a lie?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!

11. Experimental Music Love

12. Meaningless

You mean it's all been meaningless?
Every whisper and caress?
Yes yes yes it was totally meaningless
like when two fireflies flouresce
Just like everything I guess
Less less yes, it was utterly meaningless
Even less
a little glimpse of nothingness
sucking meaning from the
rest of this mess
Yes yes yes it was thoroughly meaningless
and if some dim bulb should say
we were in love in some way
kick all his teeth in for me
and if you feel like keeping on kicking,
feel free
Who dare say it wasn't meaningless?
Shout from the rooftops
and address the press
Ha ha ha, it was totally meaningless
Meaning less than a game of chess
Just like your mother said
and mother knows best
I knew it all the time but now I confess
Yes yes yes how deliciously meaningless
Yes yes yes effervescently meaningless
Yes yes yes it was beautifully meaningless
Yes yes yes it was profoundly meaningless
Yes yes yes definatively meaningless
Yes yes yes comprehensively meaningless
Yes yes yes magnificently meaningless
Yes yes yes how incredibly meaningless
Yes yes yes unprecedentedly meaningless
Yes yes yes how mind-blowingly meaningless
Yes yes yes how unbelievably meaningless
Yes yes yes how infinitely meaningless

13. Love Is Like A Bottle Of Gin

It makes you blind, it does you in
It makes you think you're pretty tough
It makes you prone to crime and sin
It makes you say thing off the cuff
It's very small and made of glass
and grossly over-advertised
It turns a genius into an ass
and makes a fool think he is wise
It could make you regret your birth
or turn cartwheels in your best suit
It costs a lot more than it's worth
and yet there is no substitute
They keep it on a higher shelf
the older and more pure it grows
It has no color in itself
but it can make you see rainbows
You can find it at the Bowery
or you can find it at Elaine's
It makes your words more flowery
It makes the sun shine, makes it rain
You just get what they put in
and they never put in enough
Love is like a bottle of gin
but a bottle of gin is not like love

14. Queen Of The Savages

My girl is the queen of the savages
She don't know the modern world
and its ravages
Instead of money she's
got yams and cabbages
She lives in a dome
I don't care if I never get home
My girl is the queen of the jungle folk
You should see the things
we see when we smoke
We think all of life is a funny joke
She's sharp as a tack
I don't care if I never get back
My girl is the queen of ten villages
We live on the fruits
of her pillages
She eats other queens,
she's very religious
She doesn't use a fork
I don't think I'll go back to New York

15. Blue You

The moon was singing the blues
The stars in the sky harmonized
singing it too
and I, far below
was singing low and slow
for you
and I know
all the world was singing the blues
The Queen was singing the blues
The President played the saxophone
sounded so along
it was on the news
And from Ursa Minor
in what looked like an all-night diner
came lonely luminous creatures
whose only human feature
was singing the blues
soft and low
The blues was singing the blues
The dead in their graves
and the gods in their caves,
they'd been waiting so long
to sing the blue song
about you

16. I Can't Touch You Anymore

you wanna know if we fell in love too fast
you wanna know if this is too good to last
you're asking me wrong questions
you're opening wrong doors
i love you, i can't touch you anymore

i can't touch you anymore, there's so much to hate you for
i love you, i can't touch you anymore

you wanna tell me 50 ways you've left your lovers
you wanna tell me how you've loved 100 lovers
you're asking me wrong questions
you're opening wrong doors
i love you, i can't touch you anymore

i can't touch you anymore, there's so much to hate you for
i love you, i can't touch you anymore

17. Two Kinds Of People

There are two kinds of people:
a) my love and I
b) other
two kinds of people:
1) the gray
and 2) me and my love
All people fall into two camps
that ever twain shall be:
those lost in darkness without lamps,
and then,
my love and me...

18. How To Say Goodbye

The only thing that I could ever feel
I can't believe it wasn't real
The only thing that I could ever feel
I can't believe it wasn't real
You can't open your mouth
without telling a lie
but baby, you know how to say goodbye
The thing I spent my whole life
waiting for
has just walked out and locked the door
The thing I spent my whole life
waiting for
has just walked out and locked the door
You can't feel a thing
and you won't even try
but baby, you know how to say goodbye
I'm overjoyed to hear about your wedding
I'm writing you to wish you
every blessing
I'm overjoyed to hear about your wedding
I'm writing you to wish you
every blessing
and I'm so happy I could cry
Oh baby you know how to say goodbye

19. The Night You Can't Remember

Before you left your garrison
you'd had a drink, maybe two
You don't remember Paris, hon
but it remembers you
It's true, we flew to Paris, dear
aboard an Army jet
the night you can't remember
the night I can't forget
You said I was terrific, it
meant zilch to you, ah, but I
have our marriage certificate
'n I'll keep it till I die
You were an Army officer
and I just a Rockette
the night you can't remember
the night I can't forget
No rose conveyed your sentiments
not even a petunia
but you've got vague presentiments
and I've got little Junior
You said, Nobody loves me
and I said, wanna bet?
the night you can't remember
the night I can't forget

20. For We Are The King Of The Boudoir

Should time allow us to describe our prowess
it would be quite hard to overrate,
for we are the king of the boudoir old thing and the king doesn't like to wait.
One tryst with me and you'll be spinning like a gyroscope.
One tryst with me and you'll be Pope.
Should modesty allow us to describe our prowesslessnesslessness
'twould be hard to overstate,
for we are the king of the boudoir it's true and the king doesn't like to wait.
One kiss from me and you'll be overjoyed and overawed.
One kiss from me and you'll see God.
For we are the king of the boudoir we are and the king doesn't like to wait.

21. Strange Eyes

Strange eyes, blue clocks without hands
two lives lived in distant lands
little blue mysteries
what did they see in me
Strange eyes, early Picassos
call me even when you don't
if only from pictures
it having been three years
The follow me in all my dreams
Oh God I'm still in love with you
Strange eyes, to little star charts
plunges knives into my poor heart
As lovely as a tree they endlessly recede
Strange eyes, two little whirlpools
made by God to destroy fools
two pearls of inf'nite cost
two paradises lost
They swallow me in all my dreams
Oh God I'm still in love with you

22. Xylophone Track

To my dear,dear mother
I leave myonly shoes
To my dear, dear mother
I leave my only shoes
By the time you read this
I will have died of the blues
Scream little choo-choo
Bang your xylophone track
You can wail all night long
but you can't bring her back
I've done so much crying
the flesh has left my bones
I've done so much crying
the flesh has left my bones
I can play my ribcage
like a xylophone

23. Zebra

So we got married in Venice in June
So what?
We circled the Earth in a hot air balloon
So what?
and the rest of our lives
is one long honeymoon
well, that doesn't mean we're in love
If you really loved me
you'd buy me a beautiful pearl
buy you've already bought me
all of the pearls in the world
so there's one thing I crave
when my days become ho-hum and blah
I want a zebra
We've got so many tchotchkes
we've pratically emptied the Louvre
In most of our palaces
there's hardly room to manoeuvre
I shan't go to Balie today
I must stay home and Hoovre
up the gold dust
That doesn't mean we're in love
If you really loved me
you'd buy me the Great Pyramid
Oh, I'm so forgetful, you already did
But there's one think I need
if you won't think I'm greedy, my deah
another zebra
Zelda looks lonely, I want a zebra

(les liens sont dans le commentaire)


249 - Les Mots Dits de Bashung dans les grands espaces

(Photos Dominique Gonzalèz Foerster)

CD1: 1/ Tel - 2/ Je me dore - 3/ Faites monter - 4/ La nuit je mens - 5/ Sommes-nous - 6/ Aucun express - 7/ Le dimanche à Tchernobyl - 8/ L'irréel - 9/ Mes prisons - 10/ Fantaisie militaire - 11/ Volontaire - 12/ Etrange été - 13/ Légère éclaircie - 14/ Bombez - 15/ What's in a bird - 16/ Mes bras

CD2 : 1/ Elvire - 2/ J'passe pour une caravane - 3/ Osez Joséphine - 4/ Les grands voyageurs - 5/ Samuel Hall - 6/ Vertige de l'amour - 7/ 2043 - 8/ Faisons envie - 9/ Cantique des cantiques - 10/ Madame rêve - 11/ Ma petite entreprise - 12/ Martine boude - 13/ Bijou bijou - 14/ Angora - 15/ Malaxe

Tous ces mots mis en musique approchent l’irréprochable, tutoient la perfection et sont encore très loin devant la majorité de la production artistique de notre époque navrante.

Seul Alain BASHUNG peut oser se déplacer dans les grands espaces, libres et ivre de sa poésie unique et de cette si singulière approche du verbe scandé sur une musique envoûtante de douceur et de fureur.

Tous les univers se mélangent, instables et inquiétants, religieux mêmes, planants et belliqueux, déchirés et déchirants. Tous les mots de ce maître de cérémonie installent au plus profond de nos âmes le voile du rêve pour immédiatement tisser à nouveau une nouvelle toile qui nous emmène dans une réalité différente, changeante, (é)mouvante, découvrir un monde réinventé, pour quelques instants, aussi longtemps que nous serons des auditeurs attentifs et conscients de notre volonté d’abandon.

Voyez l'immense espace de ses bras étreindre l'univers.

Alain BASHUNG n’est pas le dernier des géants, c’est le seul.

(liens dans le commentaire)


248 - Potlatch 23, doucement

1 Valérie LECLERCQ & Dana HILLIOT - Why did God leaves us
2 SUSANNA & The Magical Orchestra - Halleluja
3 HALF ASLEEP – Fourteen fourprints so you changed your mind
4 Françoiz BREUT – Les bras le long du lit
5 Sidsel ENDRESEN & Bugge WESSELTOFT – You call me
6 OI VA VOI – Refugee
8 SLAPP HAPPY – Silent the Voice
9 Nino FERRER – l'Arbre Noir
10 GUTEVOLK – Ao To Kuro
11 Dee Dee BRIDGEWATER & Oumou SANGARE – Oh My Love (Diarabi)
12 ISLAJA Merja KOKKONEN – aallot ja äänet
13 Robert WYATT & VASCONCELOS Monica – Just As You Are
14 SPAIN – Dreaming of love
15 HALF ASLEEP - Whales

(encore une prédominance de Reines...)

Tous ces cailloux qui roulent, deviennent poussière, tous ces mots oubliés.
Je gonfle mes joues, fais des provisions, pour des jours de parole, des jours meilleurs, chanteurs. Pour retrouver mes chemins. Déjouer les destins.
Je vois des ombres sur tes joues, tu retiens des mots ? De peur qu'ils ne se changent en sable, qu'ils volent avec le vent. J'aime (tes mots).
J'écris pour tous les collectionneurs, de vent et de sable. Tous les noceurs, ceux qui semblent incertains, mais dont le pas ne vacillera jamais. Les semeurs se perdent. Les tempêtes dispersent des sons. Les chants glorieux des pauses du temps se replient dans nos coeurs. Je garde les yeux grands ouverts sur les paroles des vivants qui osent franchir le seuil pour enfin se perdre, s’oublier. J’entends des voix timides qui sculptent les silences, prennent peur, peur de nos ombres, de nos joies, de nos jours. De nos peurs. Je dresserais la plus belle des tables imaginées, pour une réception de trouvailles, comme lorsqu'on reçoit un ami perdu de vue depuis des années. Comme lorsque des vivants se trouvent. J'inventerais une nouvelle langue, faite de silence, de musique, de paroles, d'éclats et de lueurs, de douceur, de lenteur. De temps.
Je raconterais les histoires des cailloux abandonnés, ramassés, retrouvés, partagés, voyageant dans nos mains, passant d'une bouche à l'autre, qui tendent les corps, qui trouvent parfois refuge dans nos coeurs et forment la structure exacte et précise de nos vies. De nos rêves. Nos nuits n’échappent pas au poids des processions de toutes les formes des mots. Nos lits sont de pierre. Je réserverais le prochain millénaire, et plus encore, pour laisser les respirations prendre la mesure authentique de l'instant présent, infini et pour toujours, car tels sont les instants des invités qui se retrouvent, ils sont toujours. Il y aura certes un début, « il était une fois », sauf que la fin n'est pas écrite, car l'histoire se déroule lentement, chevauche les flots du temps avec grâce et regards pétillants, lourds et lents. Je rédigerais toutes les invitations, dans la langue des mots des cailloux qui passent de mains en mains, polis par nos paumes, dont nos doigts évaluent les sinuosités, les arêtes. J’y puiserais la longue chaîne infinie des histoires des mains et des êtres.

Chaque invitation commencera ainsi : « Mon Ange, Ma Douleur, Mon Âme-Sœur, Mon Cœur, Mon Soleil, Ma Joie »

(liens dans le commentaire)


247 - Potlatch 22 (après un petit moment de pause...)

1 Ben HARPER & The Innocent Criminals lifeline
2 Jacques HIGELIN amor doloroso
3 CAMESITAS legend of dangerous bean
4 RITA MITSOUKO terminal beauté
5 Armen CHAKMAKIAN & Djivan GASPARYAN distant lands
6 Sidsel ENDRESEN Bittertiles
8 David SYLVIAN darkest dreaming
9 Françoise BREUT l'heure bleue
10 Charles LLOYD guman
11 Aldo ROMANO Louis SCLAVIS Henri TEXIER anabon (live)
12 Marilyn MAZUR when i get to the mountain
13 David SYLVIAN krishna blue
14 CALEXICO the guns of brixton

Elle : le silence, la mise en scène du désir. Pour Lui laisser tous les mots de la passion et du temps pour revenir sur sa douleur et nommer ses peurs.
Lui : il explore sa caverne, ses peintures, les traces que sa vie a projetées sur la roche. Paradoxe minéral qui voit la roche grise teintée d'automne, ailes de papillons et coeur de sang. Il s'enivre légèrement, il lui faut pour survivre des musiques légères, des soirées heureuses, des silences sonores, des mélodies secrètes, des listes inachevées, des rêves. Tous les souvenirs ne sont que des émotions. Les liens sont puissants, car les émotions nous domptent inlassablement.
Doucement, délicatement, il pose sa veste sur le dossier de la chaise, puis s'assoie lentement, reprenant la conversation exactement là où il l'avait interrompue, à l'heure du rêve sombre, quand le soleil n'est qu'un souvenir de plus. La soirée reprend son rituel, forçant le destin modeste des amants de passage, peut-être condamnés à devoir éternellement se faire face par intermittence. L'éternité n'est pas une option, juste une hypothèse lointaine qui n’effleure les esprits que dans les espaces entre les silences, quand on retient son souffle. Elle n’a pas trop essayé de le dissuader, même s’il n’a pas réellement tenté de résister à l’ivresse.
Il reprend dans sa poche la liste des premières fois, cette liste là, oui, cette vieille liste naguère commencée, puis très vite oubliée. Combien de vies ? Elle est partout, dans cette liste, à l’origine de tous les états intermédiaires, de toutes les étapes, des milles et une ruses cachées au cœur des mots des amants. C’est Elle qui lui a appris ce langage, quand il n’était chez Lui qu’un babil hésitant. De son absolue transparence, Elle a modifié la nuance. Maintenant, il peut être à la fois Lui et Elle. Rêve d’éléphant, mémoire des amants, fusion des passions. Tous les discours, tous les fragments se réunissent et s’assemblent dans les regards, tard le soir, à la lueur douce et timide des bougies. Le silence de l’obscurité qui les entoure est plus fort que cent canons, plus doux que mille baisers. Faire UN est alors une technique de survie. Elle vit Lui.
Rester vivant. Toujours. Longtemps.

(liens dans le commentaire)