Quand le dernier arbre aura été abattu, quand la dernière rivière aura été empoisonnée, quand le dernier poisson aura été pêché... Alors, on saura que l’argent ne se mange pas. GERONIMO
Vic Chesnutt - Potlatch 34
Carolyn Hume - All is Bound
Vic Chesnutt - Chinaberry Tree
Grizzly Prospector - Old Mountain Hum
Vic Chesnutt - Coward
Leslie Delaba - Cuimhnean Phiobair
Vic Chesnutt - Debriefing
Pelt - Up the North Fork
Vic Chesnutt - Dimpless
Run DMT - Wiggle Woggle
Vic Chesnutt - Feast in the Time of Plague
Warpaint - Billie Holiday
Vic Chesnutt - Flirted with You all my Life
Wayne Horvitz - Love Love Love
Vic Chesnutt - Fodder on Her Wings
Wodden Veil - Red Desert
Vic Chesnutt - Girl's Say
Thee, Strander Horse - Tainted Days
Vic Chesnutt - Glossolalia
Keijo - Something Going On
Vic Chesnutt - We Hovered with Short Wings
Greg Malcolm & Tetuzi Akiyama - Last Dance
Vic Chesnutt - My New Life
Brian Harnetty & Bonnie "Prince" Billy - It's Different Now
Vic Chesnutt - Phil the Fiddler
Samm Bennett & Ito Harune - In Memory Of
Vic Chesnutt - Philip Guston
Sophia Domancich & Simon Goubert - Seagulls of Kristiansund
Vic Chesnutt - Rips in the Fabric
Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Ségal - Oscarine
Vic Chesnutt - Sewing Machine
Laura Gibson - Where Have All Your Good Words Gone
Vic Chesnutt - Splendid
Wooden Veil - Moon and Hamburg
Vic Chesnutt - Sultan, so Mighty
Shuji Inaba - Let's Play
Vic Chesnutt - Teddy Bear
Kazuki Tomokawa - Days Of Blankness, Part 2 (Battling Herpes)
Vic Chesnutt - The Mad Passion of the Stoic
Linda Thompson - Stay Bright 1
Linda Thompson - Stay Bright 2
Vic Chesnutt - Marathon
Carolyn Hume - Gravity and Release
Livres (2), pour se réveiller, en cette fin de decennie, d'un millénaire (très) mal barré
Un avion qui lance une roquette dans une rue noire de monde, un bébé atteint au cerveau par des éclats de missile, un avocat qui propose d’« étrangler » Gaza, un père qui identifie la moitié du corps de son fils grâce à ses chaussettes, des rues entières « mises à nu » par les bulldozers Caterpillar… semaine après semaine, jour après jour quand les événements se précipitent, Gideon Levy décrit les horreurs infligées par l’armée et l’aviation israéliennes à la population de Gaza. Et en même temps, il tend un miroir aux lecteurs de Haaretz : il leur montre leur « effarante indifférence », il leur explique que les dirigeants de l’opération « Plomb durci » risquent de se retrouver un jour devant un tribunal à La Haye, il leur assène que « le sang des enfants tués à Gaza est sur nos mains et non sur celles du Hamas, et nous ne pourrons jamais échapper à cette responsabilité. »
« J’aime Gaza », écrit Gideon Levy dans sa préface pour les lecteurs français. Les articles ici réunis sont à la fois un plaidoyer et un réquisitoire, et aussi une raison de se réconcilier avec le journalisme.
« J’aime Gaza », écrit Gideon Levy dans sa préface pour les lecteurs français. Les articles ici réunis sont à la fois un plaidoyer et un réquisitoire, et aussi une raison de se réconcilier avec le journalisme.
Vic Chesnutt - A life, a storm (1964 / 2009)
#74.1 - Vic Chesnutt - Sponge
envoyé par lablogotheque.
#74.3 - Vic Chesnutt - Glossolallia
envoyé par lablogotheque.
#74.2- Vic Chesnutt - Warm
envoyé par lablogotheque.
“Right now, I’m in huge trouble in that the hospital is suing me for $35,000, which is terrifying, and the rub is that I have health insurance. I have hospitalization insurance, for which I pay almost $500 a month, and then on top of that I still owe the hospital $35,000. That is truly an insane system. I did everything right and I’m still under the gun.”
Vic Chesnutt / Spinner
Vic Chesnutt / Spinner
Keith JARRETT "PARIS / LONDON - Testament"
Que de cheminS empruntés, parcourus et surtout créés, depuis le mythique "Köln Concert" (1975 !) qui révéla au monde entier ce jeune pianiste qui, tel un astre, nous inonde de sa lumière.
L'exercice solo, le saut dans le vide, sans la possibilité de se reposer en cas de doutes, sur des complices, est un chemin douloureux, difficile, jouissif, sans concession.
L'exercice solo, celui de la vie même, où tous nous sommes confrontés aux dédales de nos pensées, face à nos délires / dérives / désespoirs / délivrances / détestations / dérapages / déchirements / délestages / déambulations / détachements / désillusions / désordres / déséquilibres / déshérences / déconsidérations / dégradations / détournements / ... / ... / ... / ... / ...
Alors, imaginez un instant toutes les combinaisons possibles dès lors que vos pensées trouvent une interstice sonore pour s'exprimer, en toute liberté. Prenez une toile d'araignée, agrandissez-la à la taille de l'univers de nos neurones (en termes de connexions possibles), concentrez-vous sur tous les croisement et changements de directions (Tous les possibles ? Tous ? Oui, Tous !) pour la parcourir (déjà là, ça donne le vertige, combien de vies infinies faut-il pour imaginez cela ?) et là, pour clore (?) le sujet (et une phrase à rallonge absconse), fermez les yeux et écoutez.
Ecoutez juste pour oublier toute la boue grise de ce monde où, parfois, des astres nous illuminent. L'auditeur rencontre le créateur, dans des instants bouleversants. Il est question, là, très simplement, d'une œuvre. Comme dans chef-d'œuvre.
Sorry, désolé, la D(M)CA est passée par là : plus de liens !
L'exercice solo, le saut dans le vide, sans la possibilité de se reposer en cas de doutes, sur des complices, est un chemin douloureux, difficile, jouissif, sans concession.
L'exercice solo, celui de la vie même, où tous nous sommes confrontés aux dédales de nos pensées, face à nos délires / dérives / désespoirs / délivrances / détestations / dérapages / déchirements / délestages / déambulations / détachements / désillusions / désordres / déséquilibres / déshérences / déconsidérations / dégradations / détournements / ... / ... / ... / ... / ...
Alors, imaginez un instant toutes les combinaisons possibles dès lors que vos pensées trouvent une interstice sonore pour s'exprimer, en toute liberté. Prenez une toile d'araignée, agrandissez-la à la taille de l'univers de nos neurones (en termes de connexions possibles), concentrez-vous sur tous les croisement et changements de directions (Tous les possibles ? Tous ? Oui, Tous !) pour la parcourir (déjà là, ça donne le vertige, combien de vies infinies faut-il pour imaginez cela ?) et là, pour clore (?) le sujet (et une phrase à rallonge absconse), fermez les yeux et écoutez.
Ecoutez juste pour oublier toute la boue grise de ce monde où, parfois, des astres nous illuminent. L'auditeur rencontre le créateur, dans des instants bouleversants. Il est question, là, très simplement, d'une œuvre. Comme dans chef-d'œuvre.
Sorry, désolé, la D(M)CA est passée par là : plus de liens !
KUUPUU "Lumen Tädhen"
Les pauvres ne connaissent pas leur bonheur de vivre chez les riches
Cela se passe aujourd'hui, dans le 92 !
Greg MALCOLM "Homesick for Nowhere"
1 Lonely Woman (Ornette Coleman)
2 Homesick for Nowhere (based on traditional klezmer tune)
3 Depresso Guitar (based on Islamic folk tune)
4 Chairman Mao (Charlie Haden)
5 Blues for Aida (Steve Lacy)
6 Strawberry Fields (Lennon-McCartney)
7 Oderbruch (Konrad Bauer)
8 Incident at Owl Creek (based on Islamic tune)
9 What is the Sound of Two-handed Tapping? (based on Japanese folk tune)
10 Spatula Boy (based on Japanese folk tune)
Album reviews
Dunedin Fringe Review: "Lines of Flight: He often accompanies his gorgeous guitar improvisations with two floor guitars, one played by an e-bow and the other with his foot (sometimes displaying astounding pedal dexterity); alongside this, he taps out a rhythm on the tambourine with his other foot. This is something you have to see to believe You should buy his new CD (available from Corpus Hermeticum) right now and find out how crap all the other music you've been listening to is."
The Package: "Think you know what guitar sounds like? You're wrong! You cannot truly know your guitar until you have shaken the uncut string ends in lieu of more costly percussion, rattled a tray of ball bearings around on its deck, and shoved a wooden paddle through the strings, playing on it with a violin bow. This is guitar, as experimental as those bombs you used to build in the backyard with your brother."
Dominion: "For every piece of unreserved beauty, such as Ornette Coleman's Lonely Woman, there are others that are more disturbing.On Spatula Boy, the electrification of a Japanese folk tune is both meditative and tinged with anguish. Malcolm is a master of these ambivalent moods."
David Keenan, The Wire, March 2003: "Greg Malcolm's Homesick for Nowhere, released on Russell's Corpus Hermeticum, is a solo guitar disc played on a series of prepared six strings, including one with five pickups internally resonating wires and independent tuning at both ends. A New Zealand fringe veteran, Malcolm served with Flying Nun's Breathing Cage in the mid 80s before forming the improv unit Don't Make Noise with John Kennedy. His previous solo sets consisted of conceptual song circles and radio plays but for Homesick Russell convinced Malcolm to "Shut up and play his guitar" with inspired results. The disc consists of cover versions of tracks by Ornette Coleman, Charlie Haden, Steve Lacy and more, interspersed with variations on Islamic, Klezmer and Japanese folk tunes. Over drone guitar played with one foot and percussion with the other Malcolm triggers dense layers of enveloping drone into which he drops his waited notes. His customised instruments give him the reach of a miniature orchestra on tracks that range from gravity-defying improvisations of the calibre of Fushitsusha through to a version of Ornette Coleman's "Lonely Woman" that sounds like 1966 Velvet Underground. Malcolm dubs it "Depresso Guitar"; it's that heavy."
Chris Culter, Re'r catalogue: "An excellent CD of pieces for guitars, usually more than one at a time, played in unconventional ways - in real time - with little in the way of electronic processing but rather using electric fans, ebow, slide, violin bow, multiple simultaneous instruments. What makes it especially interesting is the content: these are interpretations of tunes by Ornette Coleman, The Beatles, Connie Bauer, Charlie Haden and of traditional Klezmer, Japanese and Islamic melodies. Very unusual, very successful. A fine work, and nicely packaged"
Lines of Flight 2004: "The highlight of the evening had to be Greg Malcolm - I've seen him play quite a few times now, and let me tell you that the sight of a man playing one guitar with his hands and one with each foot never gets old! This set also wins the award for best use of video - Jenny Ward recorded the minutiae of Greg's performance and projected it onto the ceiling, allowing those of us who weren't sitting up the front to see what was going on. Greg played beautiful melodic tunes, but also explored the sounds it was possible to get from his custom-made acoustic guitar using bows, pendulums, springs and a swag of other toys and techniques."
Dunedin Fringe Review: "Lines of Flight: He often accompanies his gorgeous guitar improvisations with two floor guitars, one played by an e-bow and the other with his foot (sometimes displaying astounding pedal dexterity); alongside this, he taps out a rhythm on the tambourine with his other foot. This is something you have to see to believe You should buy his new CD (available from Corpus Hermeticum) right now and find out how crap all the other music you've been listening to is."
The Package: "Think you know what guitar sounds like? You're wrong! You cannot truly know your guitar until you have shaken the uncut string ends in lieu of more costly percussion, rattled a tray of ball bearings around on its deck, and shoved a wooden paddle through the strings, playing on it with a violin bow. This is guitar, as experimental as those bombs you used to build in the backyard with your brother."
Dominion: "For every piece of unreserved beauty, such as Ornette Coleman's Lonely Woman, there are others that are more disturbing.On Spatula Boy, the electrification of a Japanese folk tune is both meditative and tinged with anguish. Malcolm is a master of these ambivalent moods."
David Keenan, The Wire, March 2003: "Greg Malcolm's Homesick for Nowhere, released on Russell's Corpus Hermeticum, is a solo guitar disc played on a series of prepared six strings, including one with five pickups internally resonating wires and independent tuning at both ends. A New Zealand fringe veteran, Malcolm served with Flying Nun's Breathing Cage in the mid 80s before forming the improv unit Don't Make Noise with John Kennedy. His previous solo sets consisted of conceptual song circles and radio plays but for Homesick Russell convinced Malcolm to "Shut up and play his guitar" with inspired results. The disc consists of cover versions of tracks by Ornette Coleman, Charlie Haden, Steve Lacy and more, interspersed with variations on Islamic, Klezmer and Japanese folk tunes. Over drone guitar played with one foot and percussion with the other Malcolm triggers dense layers of enveloping drone into which he drops his waited notes. His customised instruments give him the reach of a miniature orchestra on tracks that range from gravity-defying improvisations of the calibre of Fushitsusha through to a version of Ornette Coleman's "Lonely Woman" that sounds like 1966 Velvet Underground. Malcolm dubs it "Depresso Guitar"; it's that heavy."
Chris Culter, Re'r catalogue: "An excellent CD of pieces for guitars, usually more than one at a time, played in unconventional ways - in real time - with little in the way of electronic processing but rather using electric fans, ebow, slide, violin bow, multiple simultaneous instruments. What makes it especially interesting is the content: these are interpretations of tunes by Ornette Coleman, The Beatles, Connie Bauer, Charlie Haden and of traditional Klezmer, Japanese and Islamic melodies. Very unusual, very successful. A fine work, and nicely packaged"
Lines of Flight 2004: "The highlight of the evening had to be Greg Malcolm - I've seen him play quite a few times now, and let me tell you that the sight of a man playing one guitar with his hands and one with each foot never gets old! This set also wins the award for best use of video - Jenny Ward recorded the minutiae of Greg's performance and projected it onto the ceiling, allowing those of us who weren't sitting up the front to see what was going on. Greg played beautiful melodic tunes, but also explored the sounds it was possible to get from his custom-made acoustic guitar using bows, pendulums, springs and a swag of other toys and techniques."
Potlatch 33 - Passage d'ans, lentement, hors du temps, de 2.0 à 3.0. S..., c'est S...
Brian HARNETTY & Bonny Prince BILLY - Sleeping in the Driveway
Erik TRUFFAZ Sly JOHNSON Philippe GARCIA - Goodbye Tomorrow 1
ZOHARA - Three Poems - The Lightning-The Sun-The Lute
Laura GIBSON - Shadows On Parade
HARPS of FUCHSIA KALMIA & Delphine DORA - My Window is my Outside Heart on the Strangers
PASMIM - Vekhol Karney
Rickie Lee JONES - His Jeweled Floor
THIN HAT Trio & Tom WAITS - Helium [Reprise]
PSAMIM - Vosik (Lord, Bestow Your Mercy)
PSAMIM - Geyen Zey in Shwartes Reyen (Black Columns Are Moving)
ZOHARA - Blessed Is the Man
Ane BRUN - Humming One Of Your Songs
Susanne ABBHUEL - Mane Na
THEE, STRANDER HORSE - Sharpened Suede
Carolyn HUME - Tommy 1940
Erik TRUFFAZ Sly JOHNSON Philippe GARCIA - Goodbye Tomorrow 1
ZOHARA - Three Poems - The Lightning-The Sun-The Lute
Laura GIBSON - Shadows On Parade
HARPS of FUCHSIA KALMIA & Delphine DORA - My Window is my Outside Heart on the Strangers
PASMIM - Vekhol Karney
Rickie Lee JONES - His Jeweled Floor
THIN HAT Trio & Tom WAITS - Helium [Reprise]
PSAMIM - Vosik (Lord, Bestow Your Mercy)
PSAMIM - Geyen Zey in Shwartes Reyen (Black Columns Are Moving)
ZOHARA - Blessed Is the Man
Ane BRUN - Humming One Of Your Songs
Susanne ABBHUEL - Mane Na
THEE, STRANDER HORSE - Sharpened Suede
Carolyn HUME - Tommy 1940
Paul DUNMALL, Trevor TAYLOR, Paul ROGERS "Zoochosis"
Paul Dunmall (saxes)
Trevor Taylor (perc, electronics)
Paul Rogers (7 string bass)
1. Bears
2. Birds
3. Monkeys
4. Big Cats
5. Whales And Elephants
Throughout the world including the UK, thousands of zoo animals held in artificial environments with little stimulation, enrichment or opportunity to hide from the public gaze, display unnatural behaviour patterns. Even in the ‘better’ zoos, abnormal behaviour can be widespread, and include repeated pacing, rocking, vomiting and even self mutilation.
Some of these ‘stereotyped’ behaviours displayed by bored and frustrated animals have their basis in activities that occur naturally the wild. But in the impoverished confines of captivity, these behaviours can become compulsive and unnatural.
In 1992, Bill Travers first coined the term ‘zoochosis’ to describe this obsessive, repetitive behaviour, and described zoo animals behaving abnormally as ‘zoochotic’. The terms are now widely recognised and in the public domain, being used in a wide range of journals and publications.
Xavier CHARLES, Ivar GRYDELAND, Chistian WALLUMROD, Ingar ZACH "Dans les arbres"
1. La Somnolence
2. L'Indifférence
3. Le Flegme
4. L'Engourdissement
5. Le Détachement
6. La Froideur
7. L'Assoupissement
8. La Retenue
Xavier Charles - (clarinet, harmonica), Ivar Grydeland - (acoustic guitar, banjo, sruti box), Christian Wallumrød - (piano), Ingar Zach - (percussion, bass drum)
A most extraordinary and compelling achievement...must be one of the finest ECM improv releases - indeed, releases from any label - in recent years.
A most extraordinary and compelling achievement...must be one of the finest ECM improv releases - indeed, releases from any label - in recent years.
The Wire, (Andy Hamilton), August 2008
Derek BAILEY Jamaaladeen TACUMA Calvin WESTON "Mirakle"
Jamaaladeen Tacuma - bass
Calvin Weston - drums
Derek Bailey - guitar
1. Moment
2. What it is
3. This Time
4. Nebeula
5. Present
6. S' Now
In one of the most unlikely groupings in music history, avant-skronk guitar godfather Derek Bailey teams up with the harmolodic, free funk rhythm section of Jamaaladeen Tacuma and Calvin Weston. Weston and Tacuma have been the anchor for Ornette Coleman, James Blood Ulmer, and James Carter's first electric album; Weston has been a member of the Lounge Lizards, so these guys can clearly cut a groove. You'd be hard-pressed to say that Derek Bailey has ever grooved in his recorded career. That's what makes Mirakle so much fun. No one compromises their individual sound or strengths, but each is a good enough listener and improviser to make things happen as a group. Weston and Tacuma lay it down super funky, while Derek Bailey does his thing over the top, and it works! Who says the avant-garde can't be a rocking good time?
Calvin Weston - drums
Derek Bailey - guitar
1. Moment
2. What it is
3. This Time
4. Nebeula
5. Present
6. S' Now
In one of the most unlikely groupings in music history, avant-skronk guitar godfather Derek Bailey teams up with the harmolodic, free funk rhythm section of Jamaaladeen Tacuma and Calvin Weston. Weston and Tacuma have been the anchor for Ornette Coleman, James Blood Ulmer, and James Carter's first electric album; Weston has been a member of the Lounge Lizards, so these guys can clearly cut a groove. You'd be hard-pressed to say that Derek Bailey has ever grooved in his recorded career. That's what makes Mirakle so much fun. No one compromises their individual sound or strengths, but each is a good enough listener and improviser to make things happen as a group. Weston and Tacuma lay it down super funky, while Derek Bailey does his thing over the top, and it works! Who says the avant-garde can't be a rocking good time?
PLUME DE PRESSE / Olivier BONNET : procès pour "injure publique" J - 2
Comme le savent les plumonautes assidus, le magistrat Marc Bourragué m’accuse d’injure publique et le procès se déroulera vendredi 4 décembre à 13 h 30, 17e chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris. Après avoir reçu l’ "entier soutien" du député Jean-Louis Bianco - sa lettre est reproduite dans l’article en lien ci-dessus, qui contient aussi une pétition en ma faveur ayant recueilli 1006 signatures - et de diverses autres personnalités médiatiques, l’heure du tribunal a sonné. Venez assister à l’audience.
Comme le savent les plumonautes assidus, le magistrat Marc Bourragué m’accuse d’injure publique et le procès se déroulera vendredi 4 décembre à 13 h 30, 17e chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris. Après avoir reçu l’ "entier soutien" du député Jean-Louis Bianco - sa lettre est reproduite dans l’article en lien ci-dessus, qui contient aussi une pétition en ma faveur ayant recueilli 1006 signatures - et de diverses autres personnalités médiatiques, l’heure du tribunal a sonné. Venez assister à l’audience.
Potlatch 32 - après une si longue absence, version 4.0, pour Isa...
Emily Jane WHITE - Stairs
THEE, STRANDED HORSE - Churning Strides
Sophie HUNGER - City Lights
HACO - Nothing but Faces
FONETIC - Prosodie
CODONA - Like that of Sky
PSAMIM - Vosik (Lord, Bestow Your Mercy)
Tord GUSTAVSEN Ensemble - Restored, Returned
Sophie HUNGER - Le Vent nous Portera
Frode HALTI - Psalm
Arve HENRIKSEN - Sorrow and its Opposite
Carolyn HUME - Grace
Emily Jane WHITE - Stairs
THEE, STRANDED HORSE - Churning Strides
Sophie HUNGER - City Lights
HACO - Nothing but Faces
FONETIC - Prosodie
CODONA - Like that of Sky
PSAMIM - Vosik (Lord, Bestow Your Mercy)
Tord GUSTAVSEN Ensemble - Restored, Returned
Sophie HUNGER - Le Vent nous Portera
Frode HALTI - Psalm
Arve HENRIKSEN - Sorrow and its Opposite
Carolyn HUME - Grace
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